Friday, May 29, 2009


So this email has been going out a lot lately from my manager and team leads about keeping your music turned down and to wear headphones. Come to find out it was directed at ME!!!!! Can you believe that crap? I rarely have my music loud enough for me to hear it and someone does not have the balls to tell me "hey, can you turn your music down I can hear it"? Instead they go complain to the manager who sits in a totally different part of the building!!! WTF??? Just man up and say "Janet, turn that crap down".. and I will laugh and do it. When did corporate America become junior high school???? I titled this men because in cube world where I sit, it's all men but me and another woman who has been out of the office bth times this email was sent around.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So I've started entering the "thing to Ponder" each day on my facebook. It's a good conversation started and you are amazed as to the replies you get.

I've gotten addicted to this girl "Lea"'s blog. She has really had some trauma in her life. She seems to have lost herself a long the way. I so understand that and can empathize because I too lost myself. I told my brother once that sometimes you have to look past a person's flaws and just accept them for who they are. There is a lot we would like to change about a person. We want to make them into the person we want them to be not the person they necessarily are. Life isn't like that. I believe our experiences shape us into the person we become in life. So why are some of us so driven and others not? I believe that is how we take and use the knowledge that we have. My mother for instance has gone through a lot of crap. It has changed her and it would change anyone. I've watched it all and took the information I got based on her experiences and adapted my life around it. Some people just can't do that. They have to experience it themselves before they believe that it can truly happen. Why is that???

Saturday, May 23, 2009


So I generally love Saturdays... I get to lounge around the house and do as little as possible. Today however, both dogs decided to get me up a 6am. That is not how I like to start out my Saturdays. I have done a little bit of cooking experiments today. I made Hungry Girl's Jalapeno Swapper and fabulous Feux Fried Zucchini... they were both delicious except I am not a huge fan of Fiber one cereal as bread crumbs. They have a sweet flavor to them that just doesn't cut it for me when coating vegetables. Tomorrow will be laundry, cleaning house and grocery store day. I always make sure I get at least one day of rest. How about you? How do you like to spend your weekends?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Hi. I am a voluptuous woman who has a lot of opinions... what woman doesn't right? Well I am not your typical woman... I hate to shop, love being alone, am addicted to facebook, TV & reading... love to watch football and am a technological geek. They call me "gadget girl"because if there is a reasonably priced new gadget out there. I'm going to buy it. I also can not manage my money!! This is not something I proclaim proudly but for a long time if I wanted something, I bought it. Now I have a mortgage and a dog to think about and really need to start saving for those "just in case" moments. Over a period of time I would like to get my life back under wraps and start being more in control. I spiraled out of control by putting everyone before me. I have been the glue that held my mom, brother snd myself together and now that the glue has dried, it's hard to think about me. This blog is for me and about me... hang on it will be a bumpy ride.