Friday, October 2, 2009


Well, today is the last day of my stay-cation. Monday it's back to work.. for the most part it has been relaxing, but I really have missed going to Tennessee. It has been a tradition in my life to spend my birthday week there but this year the money just didn't allow for it. I wonder how I got myself into such a financial mess. I know not saving and helping my brother, mother and step-father out for 4 years didn't help but I'm back to living paycheck to paycheck which I haven't done in years!!!! I've got to figure out a way to get myself to budget again. It worked for me back when I worked at the hospital but some how I have lost sight on how to do it when I am NOT working 2 jobs.

Tomorrow I am supposed to go to an Asian wedding...and since I'm not dating anyone this would mean I go alone.... Part of me says what the heck, just go... another part of me screams "no...don't do it..." Who knows which way I will decide.

I am trying to convince myself to start back to church.. it has been 8 years and it's time to give it another shot. So many people believe we are in the last days now and once upon a time church did make me happy...I need to get past the resentment I have toward all the phonies and realize that none of us are perfect. Maybe this week has helped me do that???

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