Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Well Life has gotten a little more interesting since last time I blogged. I know, I am doing a horrible job of keeping this thing up. Sometimes, life gets busy...it is what it is. I have a roommate now. Sharon and John have broken up. It could be temporary, they have issues to work through, so who knows. I also made a decision to change jobs. I am going back to support. I have been complaining about their lack of knowledge for years, and it seems to me when you are presented a chance to change what is wrong, you take it. Therefore, I am taking it. It will be a slow transition, since Broward County is hooked to me until the end of time, but eventually I will get to train people on how to troubleshoot defects. I can't wait... I even have a slogan.... Solve the Mystery.... Each defect and how it is reproduced is a mystery. I am hoping my theme will inspire those to try and be a detective.
Maximus is living with me again.... Sharon brought him when she left John. Zoey enjoys the company. I could live without the barking.

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