Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Hi. I am a voluptuous woman who has a lot of opinions... what woman doesn't right? Well I am not your typical woman... I hate to shop, love being alone, am addicted to facebook, TV & reading... love to watch football and am a technological geek. They call me "gadget girl"because if there is a reasonably priced new gadget out there. I'm going to buy it. I also can not manage my money!! This is not something I proclaim proudly but for a long time if I wanted something, I bought it. Now I have a mortgage and a dog to think about and really need to start saving for those "just in case" moments. Over a period of time I would like to get my life back under wraps and start being more in control. I spiraled out of control by putting everyone before me. I have been the glue that held my mom, brother snd myself together and now that the glue has dried, it's hard to think about me. This blog is for me and about me... hang on it will be a bumpy ride.

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